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Woovi and OpenPix launch new version of instant payment methods: Pix Qubit

Press release

Woovi is proud to announce the launch of Pix Qubit, the world's first quantum coin using revolutionary OpenPix technology.

This new form of transaction is based on the latest quantum cryptography technologies, ensuring the safest and most efficient way of carry out financial transactions.

Pix Qubit is built on quantum encryption technology, which uses quantum physics properties to protect transactions from invasion attempts and information theft. This technology guarantees an unprecedented level of security that is not possible with other payment methods traditional.

Quantum currency is created through the manipulation of quantum particles, which are produced in the laboratory and subjected to specific processes. so that they can be used as a payment method. In addition, Pix Qubit has the advantage of being ecologically correct, as it does not use polluting chemicals in their manufacture.

Pix Qubit will be available for use in all financial transactions authorized by Woovi, OpenPix and will soon be available for other banks, including purchases at commercial establishments, transfers between individuals or legal entities and tax payments.

The Central Bank of Brazil guarantees that Pix Qubit will be constantly updated and monitored to guarantee its security and efficiency, remaining in the forefront of financial innovation. We are committed to providing advanced solutions for a safer and more prosperous financial future for everyone.

As of today, Pix Qubit will be available for use throughout the national territory and soon in more countries in Latin America. We believe that this new form of payment will revolutionize the way we carry out financial transactions and will boost economic development in Brazil.

For more information, contact the Woovi or OpenPix Press Team.


  • Pix
  • Pay via Pix
  • Checkout
  • Maquininha Pix
  • Payment Split
  • WhatsApp Pix
  • Cashback
  • Cashback Fidelity
  • Pix Crediary
  • Pix Assinatura
  • Automatic Pix
  • Sales Recovery
  • Invoice
  • All Products


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