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Pix on WhatsApp: Boost your business by simplifying your means of payment.

Since its launch in 2020, Pix has become one of the country's main payment methods. According to the 2022 Banking Technology Survey, by the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), there was a 72% growth in the number of users registered in the system between March 2021 and March 2022.

In addition, Pix has been one of the most available forms of payment in e-commerce, reaching a record level this year, as pointed out by the Gmattos Payments Study.

With significant growth, the instant payment system is gaining more and more space among retailers. And after its integration into WhatsApp, it is certain that it will be even stronger, since it intends to make life easier for users and be an additional option for businessmen.

Next, we will explain everything about Pix no WhatsApp e suas principais vantagens. Se você deseja turbinar seus métodos de pagamento e atender seus clientes de forma otimizada, continue lendo esse post.

In addition, Pix has been one of the most available forms of payment in e-commerce, reaching a record level this year, as pointed out by the Gmattos Payments Study.

With significant growth, the instant payment system is gaining more and more space among retailers. And after its integration into WhatsApp, it is certain that it will be even stronger, since it intends to make life easier for users and be an additional option for businessmen.

Next, we'll explain everything about Pix on WhatsApp and its main advantages. If you want to boost your payment methods and optimally serve your customers, continue reading this post.

WhatsApp as a commercial medium

Brazilians love WhatsApp. The messaging application is present in 99% of smartphones and it is estimated that it has more than 120 million users in Brazil.

Another interesting piece of data refers to what customers do with the application. In a study with just over 2,000 respondents, 80% of them revealed that they use WhatsApp to communicate with brands. And 57% buy products and services there.

This online shopping habit, which intensified after the pandemic, is here to stay. Even with the return of face-to-face activities, 94% of Brazilian consumers intend to keep it, according to a Criteo survey.

Soon, WhatsApp becomes an important tool for companies, confirming itself as a potential commercial medium.

How does Pix work on WhatsApp?

Last year, the Central Bank authorized WhatsApp to make payments and bank transfers between app users via Pix. Therefore, it is now possible to transfer money to other people, as well as send messages, audios, videos or photos through the application.

To benefit from innovation you can use Woovi, which is a platform designed to benefit your business.

A Woovi já possui integração com o WhatsApp, possibilitando enviar cobranças Pix direto da plataforma, e é uma opção ideal para as empresas. Funciona assim:

  • Register your company's account at Woovi.
  • In the left menu, click on Billing.
  • Press New Billing.
  • Fill in the requested information, such as billing details, payment description, etc.
  • Wait for the platform to automatically generate a payment link that can be sent via WhatsApp and is compatible with all cell phones.
  • When the customer clicks on the link, the transaction details will be displayed, as well as the payment code and QR Code.
  • Reconciliation is automatic as soon as the money lands in your account.

A great advantage of the platform is the organization and detailing of your movements. Were you curious? Click Here e cadastre sua empresa na Woovi para vender mais com o Pix.

Is Pix on WhatsApp reliable?

The advance of Pix transactions has encouraged the Central Bank to work on new security tools with the aim of consolidating a secure environment.

Among them, we highlight two: the Mecanismo Especial de Devolução (MED) que permite ao consumidor registrar uma denúncia por fraude em contato com o seu banco para pedir reembolso do valor.

And the Precautionary Block that disputes the amount transferred (in cases of scams during purchases, for example) and requests that the bank analyze the case and return the money.

Another recommended strategy is the use of strong passwords.

Is Pix on WhatsApp the same thing as WhatsApp Pay?

Although they have a similar proposal in terms of making life easier for customers and companies, these two payment methods are different.

Pix is a means of payment that can be registered on WhatsApp. Before this novelty, only credit card registration, TED or DOC were available to users.

WhatsApp Pay is the same as a bank transfer. Money migrates from the sender's account and is deposited into someone else's account. For businesses, payments can be issued on customers' credit card statement. The service works within the app and is open to all users. To use it, just register the payment method you want to use.

Advantages of Pix on WhatsApp as a means of payment

For shopkeepers, offering Pix on WhatsApp streamlines payment methods, expanding the reach of new customers and facilitating conversion. From what we observed in the studies cited in this article, Pix is a model on the rise, ensuring competitiveness with credit cards and bank slips.

And what does it all mean? Mais Vendas. Afinal, as chances de vendas podem crescer exponencialmente.

In addition, stores that do not have a website or another active virtual environment can interact with their customers through WhatsApp, thus guaranteeing the existence of their business.

Did you just see how Pix on WhatsApp can contribute to moving and generating revenue for your company?

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  • Pix
  • Pay via Pix
  • Checkout
  • Maquininha Pix
  • Payment Split
  • WhatsApp Pix
  • Cashback
  • Cashback Fidelity
  • Pix Crediary
  • Pix Assinatura
  • Automatic Pix
  • Sales Recovery
  • Invoice
  • All Products


Woovi is a complete platform that helps companies increase their sales and build customer loyalty, offering various features such as Pix, Cashback and other solutions.

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