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Pix Crediário: The new solution to boost your sales

Pix Crediário: The new solution to boost your sales

In this article, we are going to explore an innovative concept that is changing the way companies manage their installment sales: the Pix Crediário.

What is the Pix Crediário?

The Pix Crediário is a digital installment plan management tool that allows retailers to offer sales in installments without the need for a credit card. Developed by Woovi, this solution has the potential to revolutionize the installment sales market.

Pix Crediario Banner Blog Post

How it works the Pix Crediário?

How Pix Crediário works is simple and intuitive:

  • The merchant chooses or registers the customer.
  • Defines the value and conditions of the sale.
  • Generates and sends the payment link.
  • The customer selects the number of installments and pays the first one.
  • Ready! The sale is complete.

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Notebook with Platform Image

Why to use the Pix Crediário?

Using Pix Crediário is a smart way to modernize your business's sales management, offering a more flexible and convenient shopping experience for the customer, while improving the merchant's efficiency and profitability.

Main benefits

  • Simplified credit management
  • Automatic charges
  • Reduction of bad debt
  • Increased sales
  • Flexibility for the customer
  • Digital and integrated platform
  • Dashboard and reports
  • Possibility of agreements for defaulters
  • A lot more
Example of Pix Crediario options in a purchase checkout

Pix Crediário + Carnê Impresso

An interesting differential of Pix Crediário is the possibility of printing a personalized booklet with the store's brand, containing all the installments. This combines the ease of digital with the tangibility of the physical booklet, creating a complete and personalized shopping experience.

Pix Carne Image

Pix Credit Card: The credit card revolution within reach of your business

Pix Crediário is undoubtedly an innovative solution for managing installment sales. By providing a flexible shopping experience for the customer and optimizing the shopkeeper's efficiency, this tool has everything to revolutionize the market. Discover Woovi's Pix Crediário and take your business to new heights!




  • Pix
  • Checkout
  • Cashback
  • Cashback Fidelity
  • Pix Crediary
  • Pix Payments
  • Subscription
  • QueRo Pix
  • Pix WooCommerce
  • Pix Magento 1
  • Pix Magento 2
  • Pix Oracle Commerce Cloud
  • Pix Plugin Javascript
  • All Products


Woovi is a complete platform that helps companies increase their sales and build customer loyalty, offering different features, such as Pix, Cashback and other solutions.

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